Alan Freeman Sex Offender

Hillsborough County sheriff's deputies arrested Christopher Alan Freeman, on child pornography charges. Freeman was arrested at his residence, 6339 Osprey Lake Circle, at 11:15 a.m., for having illegal images on a computer.

Freeman is a registered sex offender who was convicted in 1997 in Texas for child sexual assault. He registered the Osprey Lake Circle address with authorities on March 27.
Acting on a tip from the Martin County Sheriff’s Office, officers from the Hillsborough Special Investigations Division got a search warrant and arrested Freeman at 11:15 a.m., Hillsborough spokeswoman Debbie Carter said. A preliminary Florida Department of Law Enforcement examination of three seized computers found more than 100 images and videos of children, the youngest of whom was 18 months old.

According to an arrest report, Freeman told deputies he had downloaded the images through a file-sharing program called Limewire, and stored others on an external hard drive in a folder titled "Porn."

Freeman was taken to the Orient Road Jail, where he remains on $200,000 bail.

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